Już największe światowe media widzą, co nam tutaj szykuje kurdupel ze swoimi oszołomami... :(
WARSAW ? Step by step, the Polish government has moved against democratic norms: It increased government control over the news media, cracked down on public gatherings and restricted the activities of nongovernmental organizations.
Now the party in power is moving aggressively to take control of the last major independent government institution, the courts, drawing crowds into the streets and possible condemnation by the European Union.
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Tommy( 17-07-21 00:59:47 #0 )
Już największe światowe media widzą, co nam tutaj szykuje kurdupel ze swoimi oszołomami... :(
WARSAW ? Step by step, the Polish government has moved against democratic norms: It increased government control over the news media, cracked down on public gatherings and restricted the activities of nongovernmental organizations.
Now the party in power is moving aggressively to take control of the last major independent government institution, the courts, drawing crowds into the streets and possible condemnation by the European Union.